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Dual Polarization IQ Modulator bias controller

Dual Polarization IQ Modulator bias controller

Single Polarization IQ Modulator bias controller

Single Polarization IQ Modulator bias controller

MZ modulator arbitrary point bias controller

MZ modulator arbitrary point bias controller

MZ modulator Q point ditherless bias controller

MZ modulator Q point ditherless bias controller

MZ modulator Null point bias controller

MZ modulator Null point bias controller

MZ modulator Q point bias controller

MZ modulator Q point bias controller


The LiNbO3 intensity modulator is a widely used optoelectronic device in applications such as fiber optic sensing, coherent communication, and RoF (Radio over Fiber) systems. Due to the structure of the modulator and the properties of the lithium niobate material, the working state of the LiNbO3 intensity modulator changes with the environment. To use the LiNbO3 intensity modulator correctly, it is usually necessary to apply an appropriate DC bias voltage to the modulator and continuously adjust this voltage based on its working state to maintain proper functionality over extended periods, free from external interference.

Plugtech's MBC series controller is a high-precision bias voltage controller specifically designed for the LiNbO3 intensity modulator. It features a small size, ease of use, and excellent compatibility. The MBC series products adopt fully digital control methods and advanced control algorithms to enable fast automatic calculation and adjustment of the modulator's DC bias voltage, allowing users to easily set up LiNbO3 modulation systems.

Currently, the MBC series controllers are available for Mach-Zehnder (MZ) and IQ modulators. From the beginning of the design process, we considered compatibility issues and optimized the controllers to be compatible with modulators from various brands. With iXblue, EOSpace, Fujitsu, Sumitomo, AFR, and Optilab modulators, the MBC series controllers can easily implement Coherent Communication, SSB modulation, carrier suppression, NRZ modulation, and other applications without the need for manual calibration.

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